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consultancy fee structure
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:32 am    Post subject: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

This is to know from parcticing engg

1. what is the consultancy fees for industrial shed  along with gantry in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

2. what is the consultancy fees for housing eg. say 20 bunglows of 2000 sqft each   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

3. what is the consultancy fees for low rise building say eg. four floor i.e five slabs of 4000 sqft each ...   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

4. what is the consultancy fees for high rise building say eg. ten  floor i.e eleven  slabs of 4000 sqft each ...   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

5. what is the consultancy fees for residential    in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

6. 4. what is the consultancy fees for project in which we hav to prepare tender ,estimate and along with structural and architechtural design   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?
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Dr. N. Subramanian
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:31 pm    Post subject: Re: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

Dear Er Viren,

Note that in reality the consultancy fee is not actually dependent on the type of work! It depends on your status! If you are well known you can charge anything!

Ten years ago, we used to charge Rs. 1.0 per square feet. I think it is about Rs 5 per square feet. Structural Engineers can charge 0.5% of the structural cost of the structure, whereas Architects can charge 2 to 4% of the total cost of structure, as per Indian Institute of Architects. But in any structure which does not involve architect-for example transmission line tower, you may charge as you like. Some Govt. companies will pay as per time involved but it is difficult to estimate it.

Best wishes
viren wrote:
This is to know from parcticing engg

1. what is the consultancy fees for industrial shed  along with gantry in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

2. what is the consultancy fees for housing eg. say 20 bunglows of 2000 sqft each   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

3. what is the consultancy fees for low rise building say eg. four floor i.e five slabs of 4000 sqft each ...   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

4. what is the consultancy fees for high rise building say eg. ten  floor i.e eleven  slabs of 4000 sqft each ...   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

5. what is the consultancy fees for residential    in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

6. 4. what is the consultancy fees for project in which we hav to prepare tender ,estimate and along with structural and architechtural design   in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:15 am    Post subject: Fees structure Reply with quote

Dear Sefian,

For an idea,you an also refer to Indian society of Structural Engineers web site where draft fees have been proposed.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Viren,

It is quite unfortunate that rates are not standard,

For residential or commercial here it is from 3rs to 5rs per sqft, but some people do it for less even.

however consultancy fees in India is not regulated its between client and consultants understanding.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 8:11 am    Post subject: Consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

Er. Viren,

Before inquiring about appropriate fees to charge, one should first establish what is the level of detailing and support services you are going to give to your Clients. This should determine the amount of your fees. As said by someone in the earlier posts, there are SE's who do design work even for perhaps Re.1/= per sqft. but they do the design and drawings in the shortest possible time and a G+10 storeyed bldg. is covered in just about 2 A1 sized sheets, and site visits may be just max 2 or 3. So the Client pays for what he gets. This is the bane of our SE profession.
As a good SE, you should provide complete support and 'be-in-command' of all construction activities on site (this means many times stepping on the toes of Architects\Project Engineer etc. who tend to take you for granted). In my 32 years of experience I have seen a Client repeatedly comes to you for all his future works whatever be the (reasonable) fees that you charge and more than that you are respected by him on the same terms as he does an Architect. - This is what is required to be cultivated by us SE's
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Jayant Lakhlani
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 12:37 pm    Post subject: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

Dear Viren

Unfortunately, no consensus is prevailing among structural engineering fraternity in India regarding fee structure. So, whatever you quote, there shall be someone ready to work at fees lower than that. I am sorry but this is not to dishearten you or any young engineer. On the contrary, I want to highlight a very important point which is rarely discussed while deciding the fees.

Above mentioned scenario exists because there is no system to verify quality of services, in form of peer review of design, or standard benchmark for content and level of detailing in the drawings. Due to this, consultants working at lower rates have no option but to resort to corner cutting in their services.

In a way, this is a very good situation for young engineers who really want to do good work. Because you take any city of India and you will find majority of the consultants following the same practice - lower fees and lesser services. So, if you raise the bar and provide superior quality of services, your competition shall be within that minority of consultants who are doing good work.

And from my own experience, I can assure you that it pays a lot to be in that minority. While discussing the fees with your prospective clients, highlight the level of services that he can get from no one but you. And clients are always ready to pay, we have to learn how to get it from them.


Jayant Lakhlani
Lakhlani Associates
-- Original Message --
From: viren (forum@sefindia.org)
To: general@sefindia.org (general@sefindia.org)
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 17:02
Subject: [SEFI] consultancy fee structure

This is to know from parcticing engg

1. what is the consultancy fees for industrial shed along with gantry in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

2. what is the consultancy fees for housing eg. say 20 bunglows of 2000 sqft each in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

3. what is the consultancy fees for low rise building say eg. four floor i.e five slabs of 40000 sqft each ... in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

4. what is the consultancy fees for high rise building say eg. ten floor i.e eleven slabs of 40000 sqft each ... in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

5. what is the consultancy fees for residential in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

6. 4. what is the consultancy fees for project in which we hav to prepare tender ,estimate and along with structural and architechtural design in terms of sqft and interms of percentage cost ?

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gautam chattopadhyay

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 3:06 pm    Post subject: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

I feel the man hours spent by engineers, draughtsmen and other technical people in the house should be evaluated very carefully. The overhead expenditure should be a multiple of this technical expenditure ranging from 1 to 1.5 depending on size of the organisation. The overhead expenditure should include salary of support staff, electricity and services, building rent etc. Then  stationary expenditure is one a consultant has to meet up.Consultant also has to make profit, so profit %ge is to be added. By agreement consultants have to take up tours. expenditure of tours are not considered while bidding.

On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 7:21 PM, jlakhlani <forum@sefindia.org (forum@sefindia.org)> wrote:
[quote]            Dear Viren

Unfortunately, no consensus is prevailing among structural engineering fraternity in India regarding fee structure. So, whatever you quote, there shall be someone ready to work at fees lower than that. I am sorry but this is not to dishearten you or any young engineer. On the contrary, I want to highlight a very important point which is rarely discussed while deciding the fees.

Above mentioned scenario exists because there is no system to verify quality of services, in form of peer review of design, or standard benchmark for content and level of detailing in the drawings. Due to this, consultants working at lower rates have no option but to resort to corner cutting in their services.

In a way, this is a very good situation for young engineers who really want to do good work. Because you take any city of India and you will find majority of the consultants following the same practice - lower fees and lesser services. So, if you raise the bar and provide superior quality of services, your competition shall be within that minority of consultants who are doing good work.

And from my own experience, I can assure you that it pays a lot to be in that minority. While discussing the fees with your prospective clients, highlight the level of services that he can get from no one but you. And clients are always ready to pay, we have to learn how to get it from them.


Jayant Lakhlani
Lakhlani Associates
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:34 pm    Post subject: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

Dear Viren
I fully agree with Mr. Jayant, regarding the fee structure for structural Engineers. But generally there is a common practice in our place. For structural design and detailing one can charge 0.5% of the cost of construction . The cost of construction in our place comes to Rs.1000/sq.ft. for the structural part.That is, the structural consultancy rate /sq.ft is Rs.5.00. This will end up in Rs.4/sq.ft. Or even less at the time of closing the account unless the designer is careful in issuing drawings. According to me the reasonable rate for structural design is 1% of the cost of structure.( Rs.10.00/ sq.ft). Then only one can do good quality work.
If the architectural and structural designs are done together, 2.5% of cost of construction or Rs.40/ sq.ft can be charged. This excludes any interior work or site supervision.

With warm regards


Sent from my iPad

On 19 Jan 2013, at 19:21, "jlakhlani" <forum@sefindia.org (forum@sefindia.org)> wrote:

[quote]            Dear Viren

Unfortunately, no consensus is prevailing among structural engineering fraternity in India regarding fee structure. So, whatever you quote, there shall be someone ready to work at fees lower than that. I am sorry but this is not to dishearten you or any young engineer. On the contrary, I want to highlight a very important point which is rarely discussed while deciding the fees.

Above mentioned scenario exists because there is no system to verify quality of services, in form of peer review of design, or standard benchmark for content and level of detailing in the drawings. Due to this, consultants working at lower rates have no option but to resort to corner cutting in their services.

In a way, this is a very good situation for young engineers who really want to do good work. Because you take any city of India and you will find majority of the consultants following the same practice - lower fees and lesser services. So, if you raise the bar and provide superior quality of services, your competition shall be within that minority of consultants who are doing good work.

And from my own experience, I can assure you that it pays a lot to be in that minority. While discussing the fees with your prospective clients, highlight the level of services that he can get from no one but you. And clients are always ready to pay, we have to learn how to get it from them.


Jayant Lakhlani
Lakhlani Associates
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:09 pm    Post subject: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

Dear all When quoting the consultancy fees on sft basis , one has to be careful as to what is the area for consideration Some builders do not pay for basement areas and parking , ramps etc., as they do not fetch revenue !!!When designing buildings with double or triple basements, where deep excavtion protection systems needs to be considered as part of structural designs , costs to be included in sft cost It is surprising and indeed stupid for structural engineers to be told , there is no fee consideration for the most challenging part of building deisgn !!Vasudevan Consulting engineer Bangalore RegardsTSVcruthi consultants consortium Pvt.LtdrajajinagarBanglore
From: "abubaker_ka" <forum@sefindia.org>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 11:21:24 +0530
To: <general@sefindia.org>
ReplyTo: general@sefindia.org
Subject: [SEFI] Re: consultancy fee structure

     Dear Viren I fully agree with Mr. Jayant, regarding the fee structure for structural Engineers. But generally there is a common practice in our place. For structural design and detailing one can charge 0.5% of the cost of construction . The cost of construction in our place comes to Rs.1000/sq.ft. for the structural part.That is, the structural consultancy rate /sq.ft is Rs.5.00. This will end up in Rs.4/sq.ft. Or even less at the time of closing the account unless the designer is careful in issuing drawings. According to me the reasonable rate for structural design is 1% of the cost of structure.( Rs.10.00/ sq.ft). Then only one can do good quality work. If the architectural and structural designs are done together, 2.5% of cost of construction or Rs.40/ sq.ft can be charged. This excludes any interior work or site supervision.    With warm regards  Prof.Dr.K.A.AbuBaker   Sent from my iPad      On 19 Jan 2013, at 19:21, "jlakhlani"  wrote:   [quote]            Dear Viren  Unfortunately, no consensus is prevailing among structural engineering fraternity in India regarding fee structure. So, whatever you quote, there shall be someone ready to work at fees lower than that. I am sorry but this is not to dishearten you or any young engineer. On the contrary, I want to highlight a very important point which is rarely discussed while deciding the fees.  Above mentioned scenario exists because there is no system to verify quality of services, in form of peer review of design, or standard benchmark for content and level of detailing in the drawings. Due to this, consultants working at lower rates have no option but to resort to corner cutting in their services.  In a way, this is a very good situation for young engineers who really want to do good work. Because you take any city of India and you will find majority of the consultants following the same practice - lower fees and lesser services. So, if you raise the bar and provide superior quality of services, your competition shall be within that minority of consultants who are doing good work.  And from my own experience, I can assure you that it pays a lot to be in that minority. While discussing the fees with your prospective clients, highlight the level of services that he can get from no one but you. And clients are always ready to pay, we have to learn how to get it from them.  Regards.  Jayant Lakhlani For Lakhlani Associates www.lakhlani.com       --auto removed--         --

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General Sponsor
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:49 am    Post subject: consultancy fee structure Reply with quote

21st Jan 2013

I'm surprised that you are talking about charging consultancy fees in terms of rupees per sq.ft. Are we drawing supply contractors?

The fee has to be a percentage of the cost of the project.

For comprehensive services (architectural, structural, etc.), the Council of Architecture (the statutory body regulating the architectural profession) has prescribed certain minimum fees -- as percentage of the value of the work. The practice in the architectural profession is to charge fees as a percentage of the cost of the work -- at least in this backward part of the country where I live and work.

Indrajit Barua.

From: srinivasan_vasudevan <forum@sefindia.org>
Sent: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 12:02:58
To: general@sefindia.org
Subject: [SEFI] Re: consultancy fee structure
           Dear all When quoting the consultancy fees on sft basis , one has to be careful as to what is the area for consideration Some builders do not pay for basement areas and parking , ramps etc., as they do not fetch revenue !!!When designing buildings with double or triple basements, where deep excavtion protection systems needs to be considered as part of structural designs , costs to be included in sft cost It is surprising and indeed stupid for structural engineers to be told , there is no fee consideration for the most challenging part of building deisgn !!Vasudevan Consulting engineer Bangalore RegardsTSVcruthi consultants consortium Pvt.LtdrajajinagarBanglore
From:  "abubaker_ka" <forum@sefindia.org>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 11:21:24 +0530
To: <general@sefindia.org>
ReplyTo:  general@sefindia.org
Subject: [SEFI] Re: consultancy fee structure

     Dear Viren I fully agree with Mr. Jayant, regarding the fee structure for structural Engineers. But generally there is a common practice in our place. For structural design and detailing one can charge 0.5% of the cost of construction . The cost of construction in our place comes to Rs.1000/sq.ft. for the structural part.That is, the structural consultancy rate /sq.ft is Rs.5.00. This will end up in Rs.4/sq.ft. Or even less at the time of closing the account unless the designer is careful in issuing drawings. According to me the reasonable rate for structural design is 1% of the cost of structure.( Rs.10.00/ sq.ft). Then only one can do good quality work. If the architectural and structural designs are done together, 2.5% of cost of construction or Rs.40/ sq.ft can be charged. This excludes any interior work or site supervision. With warm regards Prof.Dr.K.A.AbuBaker Sent from my iPad On 19 Jan 2013, at 19:21, "jlakhlani" wrote:
           Dear Viren Unfortunately, no consensus is prevailing among structural engineering fraternity in India regarding fee structure. So, whatever you quote, there shall be someone ready to work at fees lower than that. I am sorry but this is not to dishearten you or any young engineer. On the contrary, I want to highlight a very important point which is rarely discussed while deciding the fees. Above mentioned scenario exists because there is no system to verify quality of services, in form of peer review of design, or standard benchmark for content and level of detailing in the drawings. Due to this, consultants working at lower rates have no option but to resort to corner cutting in their services. In a way, this is a very good situation for young engineers who really want to do good work. Because you take any city of India and you will find majority of the consultants following the same practice - lower fees and lesser services. So, if you raise the bar and provide superior quality of services, your competition shall be within that minority of consultants who are doing good work. And from my own experience, I can assure you that it pays a lot to be in that minority. While discussing the fees with your prospective clients, highlight the level of services that he can get from no one but you. And clients are always ready to pay, we have to learn how to get it from them. Regards. Jayant Lakhlani For Lakhlani Associates www.lakhlani.com       --auto removed--       --


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