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Clarification required in Ductile detailing (IS 13920)
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 5:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

dear Mr. vatsal Shukla,
I also agree with you
I also handled some Projects in Ahmedabad as a Structural designer and Provided Shear Reinforcement as Per Requirements. Even I have provided 12mm stirrups in some beam, Still I did not loose my Project.
I Strongly beleive in Your Quete "structural detailing is being done purely on merits of calculations backed up by sound engineering judgements."
Thanking You
Hardik Sorathiya
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:33 am    Post subject: Structural Design of Multistoreyed Buildings Reply with quote

Dear All
I need a copy of the Book 'Structural Design of Multistoreyed Buildings 2nd Edition by U.H.Varyani.
It is not available with South Asian Publishers. Can any body suggest any alternative source where i can purchase this book.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Mr. Vatsal

I agreed with your quote

We are followed 100 % ductile details
See attached photo, Even We placed same stirrups at centre.

But, We know that what we loose due to such ductile details. sorry for word used all consultants but most of consultants used 8# dia stirrups, no one take care about ductile stirrups area calculation.

Are you using 10# stirrups when column sizes like 230x600, 230x750 or whatever 230x... in residence building. if you are using 100% ductility than i say that you are doing good structural design practise. but see east ahmedabad structural consultants practise. I am not opposed to any one. I said truth. if client given us ten example of structural consultant, They used 8# stirrups.. what we do??

I have face that problem in Ahmedabad. I don't know about another.

Prakash Siyani
P-Cube Consultants
anviksha wrote:
dear Mr. Prakash
I humbly disagree with your statement specific to Ahmedabad consultants
mentioning " all Ahmedabad consultants use 8# stirrups " and " if they provide 10# stirrups, they will lose the project"
it is far from truth/reality.
structural detailing is being done purely on merits of calculations backed up by sound engineering judgements.
your observations might be true in some specific cases but not applicable to all.....

best regards
vatsal mahendra Shukla
principal structural engineer
anviksha::structural design studio

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Last edited by prakashsiyani on Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Mr. Hardik

I am not telling about beam. I am telling about ductile column as per IS 13920 criteria
We have placed 12 dia stirrups as well as shear plate in coupling beam even though we have not lost project. its different thinking.

See Attachment

Prakash Siyani

hardik_sorathiya wrote:
dear Mr. vatsal Shukla,
I also agree with you
I also handled some Projects in Ahmedabad as a Structural designer and Provided Shear Reinforcement as Per Requirements. Even I have provided 12mm stirrups in some beam, Still I did not loose my Project.
I Strongly beleive in Your Quete "structural detailing is being done purely on merits of calculations backed up by sound engineering judgements."
Thanking You
Hardik Sorathiya

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear Prakash
  When will you design the beam as coupled beam ?  I think in shear wall above the opening if the Earthquake induced  shear shear stress more than (0.1*Lo* sqrt(fck))/D we have to provide diagonal Reinforcement connecting with stirrups please refer IS13920 9.5.1

     My opinion is in beam slab system we need not provide diagonal reinforcement or any plate, this is my understanding of code

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear N.Srinivasan

You are absolutely right.

Actually In high-rise building column sizes required as up to 300x2100 and beam depth restricted only up to 600 including slab so during earthquake analysis shear produce in column connecting beam is more than code limit 2.3Mpa so we placed diagonal plate as per stress calculation & as per IS 13920 9.5.1. Which ever higher. more or less both answer same
Also we redesign column reinforcement with consider partial release beam connected column means that if beam might be failure during earth quake, structure is still stable based on second analysis of column.
As per our knowledge we try to give best solution to builder and architect. when beam depth is restricted.

Ratio of Shear due to earthquake and actual dl+ll is more than 5 in this beam

Prakash Siyani

sknsrinivasan wrote:
Dear Prakash
  When will you design the beam as coupled beam ?  I think in shear wall above the opening if the Earthquake induced  shear shear stress more than (0.1*Lo* sqrt(fck))/D we have to provide diagonal Reinforcement connecting with stirrups please refer IS13920 9.5.1

     My opinion is in beam slab system we need not provide diagonal reinforcement or any plate, this is my understanding of code

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear prakash

   In between the two big size of column if there is any block work then opening or with out opening we need not design the beam as coupled beam

  At the same time if there is full opening with out block work in between the two column we have to check shear stress as per code and design the beam as coupled beam

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:34 am    Post subject: Remaining Hoops Dia of Column Stirrups... Reply with quote

Respected sknsrinivasan Sir,
I have one question regarding the Hoops of Column Stirrups i.e. is it necessary that the hoops dia should be same as that of the outermost Stirrups dia ? Whereas the IS 13920 only specifies the outermost dia of the stirrups what I believe .

With Regards,
Chetan N Kapadia

sknsrinivasan wrote:
Dear Prakashsiyani
   Generally we have to consider Ak value Hoops outer to outer dimension. How 220X820 you have considered I don't know  

   If 2 leg Hoops is enough as per shear design,  but Code is restricted the distance between outer face of hoops should not exceed 300mm so we have to provide internal hoops in form of overlapping hoops or cross tie in both direction. If we provide like this in the formula the value of h will be very less and required spacing will be more other advantage will be to avoid buckling of vertical bars If we provide 2 leg hoops that will prevent the buckling of corner 4 bars

   We have to assume dia of hoops and find spacing of hoops in this one the spacing not less than 75mm and grater than 100mm

   I think your Answer 1 is wright  and the hoops should have good ductility

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Dr. N. Subramanian
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 4:36 am    Post subject: Re: Remaining Hoops Dia of Column Stirrups... Reply with quote

Dear Er Chetan,

The stirrups and hoops are provided to confine the concrete (see enclosed figure). Hence they must be of the same diameter and provided to give lateral support to the main bars and prevent the main bars from buckling during an earthquake. They are to be provided at closer spacing in the probable plastic hinge zones, i.e at each end of the column.

Best wishes,

chetan_kapadia wrote:
Respected sknsrinivasan Sir,
I have one question regarding the Hoops of Column Stirrups i.e. is it necessary that the hoops dia should be same as that of the outermost Stirrups dia ? Whereas the IS 13920 only specifies the outermost dia of the stirrups what I believe .

With Regards,
Chetan N Kapadia

sknsrinivasan wrote:
Dear Prakashsiyani
   Generally we have to consider Ak value Hoops outer to outer dimension. How 220X820 you have considered I don't know  

   If 2 leg Hoops is enough as per shear design,  but Code is restricted the distance between outer face of hoops should not exceed 300mm so we have to provide internal hoops in form of overlapping hoops or cross tie in both direction. If we provide like this in the formula the value of h will be very less and required spacing will be more other advantage will be to avoid buckling of vertical bars If we provide 2 leg hoops that will prevent the buckling of corner 4 bars

   We have to assume dia of hoops and find spacing of hoops in this one the spacing not less than 75mm and grater than 100mm

   I think your Answer 1 is wright  and the hoops should have good ductility


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:15 am    Post subject: Re: Structural Design of Multistoreyed Buildings Reply with quote

vijayarathnam wrote:
I need a copy of the Book 'Structural Design of Multistoreyed Buildings 2nd Edition by U.H.Varyani.
It is not available with South Asian Publishers.

If you are not aware of following already:


Get soft copy from above link. Hard copy is not available anywhere, AFAIK.

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